jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Personal Culture

As we know, culture is the characteristics of a group of people defined by their religion, language, music, cuisine, social habits, arts and so on. In the case of a single person, I mean personal culture, the hobby he or she has, the music he/she hears to and the sports he/she does, define how the people is. In my case, Im a girl very close to her family and friends and because of that, my hobbys are like going to cinema with them, to the church, to a restaurant or to prepare certain food  or just going to party with my friends because I love it. I also hear to romantic music, vallenato because I inherited it from my father, and some other kind of music which I feel identify. I like sports like volleyball, soccer and actually I'm part of a team of kickball. For me its important to do some exercise!

1 comentario:

  1. Andrea you and i have some hobbies in common like going to the movies with our families or just party with our friends. But we disagree about sports, i dont really like any, but its great you do. Not al girls like sports. I think that's so cool in a woman.
